Laughter Yoga Training online with zoom online laughter yoga training YES!

I am excited and delighted to announce that we will soon be delivering cutting edge training options online.  This is a quality certified training with a certificate issued by laughter yoga wellness training academy.

We have trained around 90 laughter yoga leaders since setting up our training academy.  We developed our own extra experiential module which we have been delivering and our leaders leave the training room with more tools, experience and confidence than with the standard training.  We always give our best and therefore give our students the best possible chance of success moving forward with this incredible new wellbeing tool. Our online training will be no different! A fresh approach with full support going forward has been our motto and has lead to our success as a cutting edge quality laughter yoga training provider.

Computer with camera and microphone will allow you to participate in the face to face via zoom training.

Full detail and information coming soon.

Upon successfully completing the training online you will have the skills required to enable you to start leading laughter yoga sessions online using the zoom interface.   This is not a technical training but we will show you the way using zoom which is one of the most widely used platforms at the moment.  This may be the new way of working for all of us for sometime and I believe it is a very much needed option for so many people who are ordinarily housebound!  We have just opened up this incredible tool to so many more people.  We know delivering laughter yoga online is making a huge difference to the lives of so many people.

A recent review from one of our online participants

I find these sessions a real tonic & I come away buzzing from the experience.
I suffer from a multitude of mental health limitations & to be able to connect with others in this way & just let go of inhibitions is such a relief & has a medicating effect on my well being.
Many Thanks Odette, the laughter sessions are the highlight of my week & can actually feel the physical rhythms of my body calming when practising this wellness yoga.
Laughter is very much group binding in such a togetherness way & on Saturday morning my bouts of real belly laughs came out so spontaneously & glad to say uncontrollably with lots of giggles.
Prior to joining these sessions I was reserved & introverted but have been really able to let rip in this unjudgemental environment.
Looking forward to the next session already & love the way Odette encourages us to connect with our inner child by game play. I really hope we can continue by Zoom & eventually physically together as a cohesive group.

There will be an optional in person add-on training module delivered in London UK or if your group is large enough I can deliver to you wherever you are! The in person module will enable you to lead in person sessions in addition to online sessions.  It is a different way of working and requires additional skills and experience for in person face to face group work.  Of course this option will only apply once it is safe to train in person.

This is in addition to our in person 2 day certified laughter yoga leader training which will go ahead once it is safe to do so.

To be in the loop for start dates and information please pop your details on our mailing list via

Until then join us for a laugh on Saturday mornings at 11am or a laughter meditation on Wed afternoons at 3pm.

So you want to be a laughter yoga leader. loving laughter, living laughter and spreading laughter and joy :-)

So you want to be a laughter yoga leader

Finding a teacher that really resonates with you is my top advice.

Maybe seeing them working, going along to one of their classes, meeting them, chatting to them.

Possibly stating the obvious but going to a class ?

That is a pre-requisite of the training so pop along to a class in London and be sure that you are feeling the connection. We are in Finchley and Archway and soon to be adding another venue.

How big is the class?

When you train with us, you will be sure to have a a small enough group to really receive enough individual attention. Generally speaking never more than 6-8 in a class with one teacher.  In the same respect you are learning to work with groups, we do that within a group. The class will not run with less than 4 participants. It is not a numbers game to us, it is our love, our passion and our life. We love our work, we live our work.

You then get the certificate 🙂 Yey and have the support of a good teacher behind you. Most likely a support network, and an opportunity to keep in touch, regular cpd opportunities which of course you will get with our Laughter Yoga Wellness Training Academy. 
Why Laughter Yoga

It is an incredibly powerful holistic and complementary wellbeing tool that is so very needed in our often fast paced and stressful lives. As the saying goes “Laughter is the best Medicine” 🙂 and sometimes it really really can be. However laughter does not replace conventional medicine and we always recommend Laughter Yoga as a complementary method. I have heard many instances of people benefiting in amazing ways from practising laughter yoga. Laughter Yogis around the world are increasingly being called to work in therapeutic and medical environments, with cancer patients, dialysis patients, chronic pain clinics, psychiatric wards and other therapeutic settings.


Laughter Benefits

Team Building and Connection

Social Connection

Pain Relief

Ice Breakers

Ideal as an energy lift and boost during a long conference or training day

Why train as a Laughter Yoga Leader ?

Perfect addition to any holistic or therapeutic tool box.

Because you like to help people

To bring more laughter and joy in to your own life.

Start a Laughter Club for your local community.

Career change

Personal Development

Building confidence

Learning new skills

Learning to present the laughter yoga experience and enhancing you confidence to speak publicly about laughter yoga

Learning to work with and teach laughter yoga to groups

There are so many reasons and so many benefits in learning to become a laughter yoga leader. Imagine having such a powerful holistic tool to work with which can be life changing for recipients. You can really, seriously make such a difference to the lives of so many people.

 Gaining experience.

The best way to gain experience as a new laughter leader is in running that laughter club, running regular clubs or classes is going to be your biggest teacher. You have the basic guidelines and the certificate and now the real learning begins!
Laughter clubs and classes are the place to try new material, and be creative, it’s all about creativity 🙂 You will learn something from every group you work with, you will gain the experience you need to eventually start working professionally. I encourage those I have trained to work together, to collaborate. Most of my new leaders come along and work with me that invitation is an open one and can really help building up confidence and gaining experience with a real group of participants:-) Stick with it, it aint easy but it is so so very much worth it. You also have the opportunity to see how people gain so much from our work, by seeing their journey over a longer period of time. You will also have to work harder at your regular classes, refreshing the content, getting creative in doing so, its the most amazing part of your training.
It is not easy starting your laughter club, getting word out, finding people to come along. I totally encourage and recommend, finding someone to work with, two heads are certainly better than one 🙂

Laughter Yoga Wellness training academy has their first Laughternoon CPD day in September, so very excited. A special day for in person support, fun and more for our existing laughter yoga leaders  🙂

Get in touch with us about our laughter yoga training here in London.

We have trained over 40 laughter yoga leaders from as far away as Oslow and Sweden here in London.  A new training school with a fresh approach to laughter yoga training, support and development.
Our training school is based right here in the City of London. Angel and Islington, just one stop from Kings Cross. We run our laughter yoga classes in London Finchley and Archway and Angel.
Next training dates 23rd and 24th August 2018 in London and just one space remaining.
We are super approachable and super friendly, give us a call if you have any questions and better still pop along to a class and chat over a cuppa at an after class social in Archway.
Contact us via email or telephone.
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