We have just created our new handy map to make it easier for you to find where our laughter yoga classes are in London along with how to book a space. Just click on the map to be taken to the live link to google maps where you can click on the logo for more info. Ha Ha 🙂
Our Laughter Yoga Wellness Training Academy are training new leaders throughout the year, may of them are in London  so give us a call if you can’t find a club nearby.
We will soon be launching a new map via www.laughteryogaclasses.co.uk which will accommodate a more comprehensive list of opportunities to Laugh! for the health of it across the UK.
Google Map of our laughter clubs and classes in London
and to book on a class please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/laughter-yoga-wellness-london-workshops-and-training-9871639126 and scroll to the bottom of the page for dates and locations for our London laughter yoga classes.