We are already preparing for World Laughter Day in London with a fabulous Laughter Crawl and Flash Mob planned. We will be meeting in a Central London location and delivering smiles and laughter along the way with the message of World Peace to those we meet. We will be laughing on public transport, tube laughter 🙂 and visiting various locations in London.
Free to join us and open to everyone. We will be joined by members of our London Laughter Club, other Laughter Yogis and members of the public. All that is required is a willingness to join us in spreading Laughter, the message of Peace and Joy.
For a taste of what to expect, here’s what we got up to last year at one of our stops in Embankment Gardens. Fingers crossed for another sunny beautiful day this year. To join us please scroll down to registration link 🙂

More info via https://world-laughter-day-london.eventbrite.co.uk/
World Laughter Day takes place on the first Sunday of May. This year it falls on 7th May. The first celebration was in India almost 20 years ago and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga.
Laughter Yoga says: Laughter is a positive and powerful emotion that has all the ingredients required for individuals to change themselves and to change the world in a peaceful and positive way.
Our mission to bring good health joy and world peace through laughter.
On this day the laughter club members and their friends and families get together in important squares public parks to laugh together and pray for world peace.
How Can We Bring World Peace Through Laughter?
Laughter is a universal language we all speak without any language barrier. Laughter Clubs are a powerful tool to connect people from different cultures and countries and provide social network of people who care for each other. By setting up laughter clubs all over the world we are creating a worldwide community of like-minded people who believe virtues like unconditional love and laughter generosity & forgiveness.
Formula is very simple -When you laugh; you change and when you change the world changes around you.
#laughteryogalondon #flashmob