Laughter Yoga Wellness Fundraiser for Comic Relief Red Nose Day Make your laugh matter for Red Nose Day

We are fundraising for Red Nose Day Yey 🙂

Red Nose Day is on Friday 24th March.

Our original plan was to hold a Laughter Yoga and Gong Bath on 24th March. Unfortunately building works at the venue have been delayed so this will not be going ahead, however we still wish to support Red Nose Day and will be making a donation from our Laughter Club on 25th March.

Update, We raised £74 for Red Nose Day Woohooo 🙂

Our Fun Raising Page where you can see our final Team Total

Laughter Yoga London Club for Red Nose Day


Laughter Yoga for Cancer Patients – Laughter is the best Medicine

Yesterday was World Cancer Day with lots of events happening worldwide.

As a recent Laughter Yoga Leader graduate, I was invited by my mentor Lotte from United Mind to participate in a laughter yoga session she was facilitating for Macmillan nurses and cancer patients at the Whittington Hospital in London.

This was part of the final offering of the day at the Macmillan cancer conference run by Macmillan Cancer Support at the Whittington.


Wow!! Wow!! Such an incredible afternoon. It was a real honour to witness what I can only call “laughter medicine”  in action and where it is so needed. A truly incredible experience and to see so many people taken away from their worries and illness for that moment was wonderful. This is powerful stuff!!!

My highlight was at the end when one lady literally could not stop laughing. I am so thankful I have added laughter to my holistic toolbox, it feel so right and I can’t wait to get started and add some Gong!. The session ends in a grounding meditation so it will be like a perfectly fitting glove to end in a gong bath meditation. 

I will soon be taking bookings for Laughter Gong Workshops tailored to suit and benefit both Corporate and NHS well-being clients.

Click to see a list of our Laughter Workshops and Services


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